Addressing the housing crisis
We know from surveying Queenslanders that close to 9 in 10 of you see housing as an issue within your local community.
Crippling housing shortages have been felt in all communities, with each part of the state facing its own unique challenges.
Join us in calling on the major parties to ensure all Queenslanders have access to safe, affordable and reliable housing – no matter where they live.
The detail:
- Invest, unlock, activate and implement solutions to the housing crisis, as identified by Queensland councils, in the Local Government Housing Strategy.
Invest: Boost investment in crisis and temporary accommodation, funding programs and partnerships to support new and innovative housing solutions.
Unlock: Unlock housing supply through essential infrastructure, incentive policies and streamlined planning processes.Activate: Activate new, affordable homes through policy, funding and by optimising existing systems.
Implement: Implement, or support the implementation of, solutions to address the current housing crisis and plan to prevent future crises.