Building safe and resilient communities

Community safety is a priority issue for Queenslanders everywhere.

2 out of 3 of you say the lifestyle and living conditions of an area are what makes a liveable community.  


Join us in calling on the major parties to partner with councils to make sure your streets are safe, connected and protected this State Election.  


The detail:

  1. Close the digital divide by boosting access and infrastructure in a new formal partnership approach across all three levels of government to get infrastructure to where connectivity is needed.
  2. Support the LGAQ’s nine-point juvenile crime action plan to help directly address the concerns of Queensland communities and preserve our state’s unrivalled reputation as a safe place to live, work and visit.
  3. Improve rural, regional and remote health services with a Summit that generates a standalone health plan, developed with benchmarked service outcomes that are regularly monitored and measured.
  4. Partner with the Federal Government to increase opportunities for local betterment projects and increase community resilience from local disasters with an additional $200m per year.
  5. Introduce statewide statutory disclosure provisions, similar to the approach taken in other jurisdictions, requiring detailed property sale disclosure statements which include flood and other natural hazard information.