Protecting the Environment
Queensland’s natural assets must be protected to be enjoyed by today’s generation – and generations to come.
Councils care for their communities – and that includes the iconic species and landscapes their residents, and visitors, value most.
Join us in calling on the major parties to partner with councils and communities to protect our natural assets and environment.
The detail:
- Boost biosecurity on-ground actions with regionalised funding to support the delivery of priority pest animal and weed management, with $14 million over the next four years.
- Partner with Queensland’s 32 Reef councils to support practical measures and local initiatives that improve the health and prospects of the Great Barrier Reef.
- Fund new waste infrastructure needed to reach landfill diversion targets in regional and First Nations communities, with $400 million as a dedicated program under the Jobs and Recycling Fund.
- Using data from Regional Waste Management Plans to review and align the waste levy, waste levy zones, advance payment schedule and environmental regulation to better transition to a circular economy.
- Fully fund the Wild Dog Barrier Fence and Darling Downs Moreton Rabbit Board Fence as a biosecurity barrier that protects local communities from threats, with $6 million a year.
- Support the delivery of local and regional initiatives that safeguard Queensland’s iconic species and landscapes from current and future threats, including the delivery of koala threat abatement activities and the management of urban flying fox roosts, with $50 million over three years.
- Establish a moratorium on carbon capture and storage projects that directly impact the Great Artesian Basin and advocate for Federal Government support to protect the Basin as a strategic water source for rural and remote communities.